Is honey or brown sugar nutritionally better than white sugar?

Is honey and brown sugar nutritionally better than white sugar?
Many people get confused and ask me about using honey or brown sugar instead of white sugar in their drinks or food.
The truth is honey and brown sugar contain some nutrients that white sugar don't because of the refining process. However, in order to benefit from any nutrient its necessary to consume a large amount of sugar and honey. Usually not achievable in a few tea spoons on your tea.
Honey has been used as a medicine for many years and it may help in prevent flu and colds but there isn't strong scientific evidence to support it.
If you are looking for a healthier life style altogether, prefer honey and brown sugar over white simply because they are in their natural form. A tea spoon sometimes won't hurt you.
If you are watching your weight, a spoon of white, brown sugar or honey will all have the same impact on your diet plan and calorie counting.  
Take a look at this:
1tsp white sugar 4g = 16kcal
1tsp brown sugar 4g=16kcal
1tsp of honey 6g=24kcal 
  Honey or sugar it's a matter o taste and you should be calorie conscious with any of them!!
Mel, açucar mascavo or açucar refinado?
Muitas pessoas perguntam qual a melhor opcao.
A diferença é que açucar mascavo e mel contem alguns nutrientes e o açucar refinado nao.
Porem, para ter beneficios destes nutrientes precisa-se consumir mel e açucar mascavo em grande quantidade.
Se voce esta controlando seu peso, tanto mel quanto açucar mascavo vao adicinar o mesmo numero de calorias por gramas que o açucar refinado.
Açucar refinado 1col cha 4g= 16kcal
Açucar mascavo 1 col cha 4g= 6kcal
Mel 1 col cha 6g= 24kcal
Seja cauteloso na hora de adoçar seus alimentos e bebidas! Mel é açucar tambem!
A escolha entre os 3 é mais uma questao de gosto do que nutricao. Claro que mel e açucar mascavo sao naturais sem processo de refinamento e devem ser preferidos. Mas caloria por caloria sao todos muito parecidos!!

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